; This save will spawn you in the tutorial dungeon and lead to the ending with Proto Ultima Alex. It should work for 1.03 and above. [Tutorials] ; Cut tutorial we are skipping VineDrop=1 [EssentiaTutorialDungeon] ; Required for 1.0 so you don't play as Essentia... can be any number larger than 1 I believe IntroCutscene=555555 [GodMode] FastForward=1 [Chapter4] ;This will change the tutorial dungeon to be the Ultima version. TheEnd=11 [InventoryContents] AA Battery=10 AAA Battery=5 Slice of Deep Dish Pizza=25 Cheese Burger=10 Birch Beer=10 Smelling Salts=10 Ambrosia=10 [Alex] level=44 classification=Graduate isInParty=1 maxHP=69 hp=77 maxPP=32 pp=32 currentXp=36 str=52 def=55 speed=60 luck=17 next=100 spirit=-1 IsOnFrontLine=1 [Alex.Skills.AsItems] Panda Barrier=0 PandaBerrior=0 Smooth Jazz=1 LP Toss=1 EP Strike=1 [Alex.Equipment.Attatched] WEAPON=Legends of Ragnarok LP BODY=Mystical Threads HEAD=Football Helmet OTHER=Winged Sneakers HAT=Football Helmet CLOTHING=Mystical Threads [Chondra] level=43 classification=Nice Girl isInParty=1 maxHP=86 hp=86 maxPP=41 pp=45 currentXp=67 str=61 def=49 speed=30 luck=28 next=100 spirit=6 IsOnFrontLine=1 [Michael] level=43 classification=Conspiracy Theorist isInParty=1 maxHP=118 hp=120 maxPP=30 pp=30 currentXp=95 str=68 def=40 speed=27 luck=25 next=100 spirit=6 IsOnFrontLine=0 IsProtoMichael=1 [Michael.Skills.AsItems] Photoshoot=1 Mug Shot=1 [Michael.Equipment.Attatched] WEAPON=Stereosonic Digital Camera Mk. 2 BODY=Larping Chainmail HEAD=Football Helmet OTHER=Winged Sneakers HAT=Football Helmet CLOTHING=Larping Chainmail [Vella] level=43 classification=Heartbreaker isInParty=1 maxHP=106 hp=106 maxPP=28 pp=28 currentXp=63 str=55 def=46 speed=28 luck=18 next=100 spirit=6 IsOnFrontLine=1 [Vella.Skills.AsItems] Banish=1 Healing Song=1 Feedback=1 Bass Drop=1 [Vella.Equipment.Attatched] WEAPON=Mystical Keytar BODY=Mystical Threads HEAD=Football Helmet OTHER=Winged Sneakers HAT=Football Helmet CLOTHING=Mystical Threads [Rory] level=43 classification=Loner isInParty=1 maxHP=82 hp=87 maxPP=48 pp=48 currentXp=54 str=55 def=50 speed=28 luck=23 next=100 spirit=6 IsOnFrontLine=0 [Rory.Skills.AsItems] HP/PP Swap=1 Protest=1 Sacrifice=1 Talk=1 [Rory.Equipment.Attatched] WEAPON=The End is Nigh BODY=Mystical Threads HEAD=Football Helmet OTHER=Winged Sneakers HAT=Football Helmet CLOTHING=Mystical Threads [Claudio.Skills.AsItems] BushidoHack=1 [Claudio.Equipment.Attatched] WEAPON=Masamune BODY=Larping Chainmail HEAD=Football Helmet OTHER=Winged Sneakers HAT=Football Helmet CLOTHING=Larping Chainmail [Claudio] level=43 classification=Samurai isInParty=1 maxHP=148 hp=154 maxPP=25 pp=25 currentXp=62 str=74 def=42 speed=17 luck=22 next=100 spirit=6 IsOnFrontLine=0 [Chondra.Skills.AsItems] Spread Item=1 Devil Stance=1 Strong Stance=1 Wild Stance=1 Hula Stance=1 Chuck Item=1 [Chondra.Equipment.Attatched] WEAPON=Flaming Hula Hoop BODY=Mystical Threads HEAD=Football Helmet OTHER=Winged Sneakers HAT=Football Helmet CLOTHING=Mystical Threads [The Essentia 2000] isAndroid=1 level=43 classification=Pan-Dimensional Android isInParty=1 maxHP=132 hp=130 maxPP=55 pp=55 currentXp=76 str=72 def=42 speed=21 luck=28 next=100 spirit=6 IsOnFrontLine=1 [The Essentia 2000.Skills.AsItems] Sleep Shot=1 Machine Gun=1 Missile Launcher=1 Self Destruct=1 [The Essentia 2000.Equipment.Attatched] WEAPON=Cluster Bombs BODY=Larping Chainmail HEAD=Football Helmet OTHER=Winged Sneakers HAT=Football Helmet CLOTHING=Larping Chainmail [Settings] Controller=2 [SystemDataGroup] Playtime=00:00:00 SceneGroupToLoad=EssentiaTutorialDungeon TagLocationPosition=Tag_1_LevelStart Hint=Tip:57 FirstTimeBanishingEntity=1 [Audio.Settings] MUSIC_VOLUME=70 SFX_VOLUME=70 VOICE_VOLUME=70 MASTER_VOLUME=80 [System.Questionnaire.Results] Alex=The Player playerGender=0 [The Player] level=43 classification=Warrior isInParty=1 maxHP=85 hp=85 maxPP=27 pp=27 currentXp=48 str=59 def=43 speed=29 luck=22 next=100 spirit=6 IsOnFrontLine=0 [The Player.Equipment.Attatched] WEAPON=Mystical Ultima LP Legend BODY=Graphic T-Shirt HEAD=None OTHER=None CanEquipWeaponsOf=Alex [Party] BulletTime.Max=300 BulletTime.Current=300 [Wallet] Money=654830 [WhatChapter] ItIsChapter=4 [MindDungeon] HasAccess=-1 [Party.Skills.AsItems] Time Energy=1 [Alex.Skills.Upgrades] LP Toss.maxTimer=10 [Claudio.Skills.Upgrades] Bushido.secondsToPerform=10